Thursday 25 February 2010

How would you attract/address your audience?

Attracting my audience relies mainly on the front cover, because if the front cover isn’t interesting then no one will pick up the magazine. On my front cover I used big bold colours that are catching and that work well together. I also used lots of pictures to show the variety of artist included in my magazine. This would attract my audience because if they are not intrigued by the main feature artist they will see that there are still artist included in magazine that they will like. I also took into consideration everything that people said in my interviews and questionnaires this will attract and address my target audience because the questionnaires were given to a lot of teenagers. This helped me to get an understanding of what the majority of teenagers wanted in a magazine.

I address my audience by using colloquial language, puns to show the magazines knowledge of the bands featured. I kept everything short and snappy, making my magazine an easy read rather than a chore.

Also free offers and competitions is another way to attract the attention of my audience.

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